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Professional Haircolour VS Drugstore/ Box Colour

As a previous box dye user and abuser while in high school, I can vouch for this debate! As a broke student, I used to run to my nearest drugstore and buy whatever brown haircolour was on sale and slap it on at home. Box dye is all fun and games until you try to change your hair colour. One time I decided I wanted to try and change my colour to a dark plum… BUT because my roots were virgin, and my ends were already dark brown, my roots turned bright purple and my ends became a very dark brown. Needless to say, that was my last box dye experience as I had to pay a trip to the hair salon for a redo! My point is, that there is a sacrifice that comes with the convenience of box colour.

Professional Colour
*Low in ammonia (comfortable on the scalp).
*Infused with oils to benefit the hair.
*Professional colour doesn’t get darker with time (non-progressive).
*Shiny hair.
*Professionally formulated, created especially for your hair type/colour.
*Easier to remove from the hair than box colour.

*Can be costly.
*You normally need to book an appointment at your salon.

Box/ Drugstore Colour
*It’s inexpensive.
*Convenient, can be done on your own time.

*Box colour contains metallic dyes which can make your hair colour appear dull and darker over time.
*Doing your own colour makes it difficult to only touch up the regrowth. A lot of people just put it all over which creates build up on the ends, making them look darker and can cause banding throughout the mid lengths and ends.
*The dye molecules are much larger in box colour than in professional colour, which causes the colour to fade faster.
*Because of the metallic dyes, it is harder to remove from the hair if you want to go lighter or add highlights.
*Bleaching kits from the drugstore are extremely dangerous to do at home because overlapping and overprocessing can cause the hair to break off.
*Hair colour is not one size fits all. Different hair colours and hair types require different developers. This makes it really easy to get hot roots, especially on grey hair.
*The photos on the side of the box that show you how the shade will look on different hair colours is photo-shopped, which makes it a very inaccurate guide.
*In the end, when a mistake occurs, the cost will double and sometimes almost triple to correct professionally.
*THE SMELL. If you are sensitive to scents this will really irritate you.

I hope my knowledge and personal experience help you to choose what is best for your hair ♥
Visit a professional Stylist!

Images courtesy of oprah.com